Thursday, June 26, 2008


It is obvious now that everyone, no matter how dear my heart held them close, they still hurt me...

It is absolutely unbelievable that you hurt me so much. Over and over again. I do not understand what I had done to deserve this hell that you are putting me through. I cannot trust you anymore. I had just lost faith in myself...

I thought you said you love me so much. Then if so, can you stop breaking my heart by being so cold and awfully mean to me? I thought you said you care alot for me. Then if so, can you please end the misery that you are putting me through? I thought you said you will always be there for me. Then if so, can you start being the man that I love initally?

You are extremely childish. I am baffeled by the kid in you. You always allow your heart to rule your head. Please end this shit...

You just have to do this to me...

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