Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cloud Nine.

I love my baby boi so much...

I can never let go of him. I do not know why. Call me stupid. Call me blind. But no one can ever deny that I truly love the man with all my heart. There is something about him that no one else can see but me. I feel so blessed to have loved him. I always wanna be there for him....

Leaving him is never the way out. It is a whole new level of pain. That is not pleasant at all. I can never erase him from my life. It is clearly impossible. Everything I do, reminds me of him. He appears in my dreams and visits me in my sleep...

I love him. Always. And nothing can tear us apart.

Good Riddance.

Woot Woot!!!

Viv is finally out of my effin' life. 3 cheers for God who actually listens to my silent prayers!!!

Stupid mother fucker. She will not go far in life. So effin' selfish. I am certain as hell she will not go far in life. Whatta loser! She gives me bad vibes. Where is her fucking EQ? God fucking damn her. Please do so!!! Fucking hell...

She left me in the lurch. How cold is that?! Dumb bitch. I hope she suffers the shit I had to go through cus of your negligience!!! Asshole.

But then again, good riddance. I ain't gonna see that whore anymore in my upside-down world. Yessssssss....However, if I ever were to see her down town on the streets, her sorry ass will be mine. I will make sure she will not be able to walk. Again...