Monday, August 25, 2008


So you think you are doing something worthwhile in your life?

I got no fucking idea who gave you the idea that you are holy and you are close to God. Deep down inside, I know He himself cannot wait to watch you rot in Hell. That is the only place you deserve to be.

You are so self-centered. You think everything that you do is right. You never apologize for your stupid mistakes. Your ego is way on top of your conscience. You keep adding fuel to the fire. You make nothing seems like an apocalypse. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I am so disgusted to be near you. You twisted wicked witch. You are so mother fucking ugly even without the facade and role you try to play. Tsk-tsk. I am way ahead of you, bitch.

Gawd. I try my hardest to love you. But trying to even like you is just impossible. And you made it like this. Stupid stupid stupid. What was God thinking when He created you? Perhaps a toy for the Devil to pounce on....

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