Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Where Have You Gone?

Wind sends chill down my spine. I look out into the night sky. It is moonless and starless. Just still. And dead. Dead. Everything seems so dead. Yet, I wonder what makes you think I am doing fine...

How do I breathe when there is no air? How do I fly without my wings? How do I see when there is only darkness lingering near me? How do I move without limbs? How do I smile when Happiness has been eradicated from me? How do I stay cool when the sun keeps burning me? How do I near you when you keep pushing me away? How do I love you when you hate me? How do I?

I wipe my own tears. The salty water has turned bloodied. Maybe I should not have cried so much. I hug my own self to console me. Your warmth has faded away. I bleed myself to sleep. Your comfort has turned into thorns. I look into the mirror to tell myself that I am beautiful. But, what I see is a girl that I can barely recognize. She looks so withered. Sunken. Red-eyed. Bloodied. Skeletal. Frail. Full of sorrow. Pale as death. Hollow. Alone. Asphyxiated. Pain always seems to get the best of her...

The colors of my life that light up my dark world. The sun that always shines for me. The clouds that always shade me. The rain that dances me with me. The air that plays with my hair. The tree that protects me. The ground that puts my feet together. The birds that I fly with. The roses that blossom for me. The happiness that I once had. The love that I once treasured. The comfort I once knew. The company that I once enjoyed. The protection that I once owned. The defense I once got. The mind I used to have. The hand I used to hold. The lips I used to kiss. The ear I used to whisper to. Where have you gone? );


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