Saturday, September 22, 2007

Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side.

I have no idea just how I should thank Sham for everything that he has said to me. Though they are just words, his words help. Alot. I really appreciate his time and effort on silly me. Thank you so very much, Sham. I really mean it. And if you were to see this, just know that I'm extremely grateful to you.

So far I have kept my promise not only to him but to a handful of good chaps...

I haven't been cutting myself silly and such. I promised I'd stop and hell yeah I did. Woot woot for it. Yay I feel so much better today.

My B is back. Although he won't stay long, at least there is comfort in knowing that he'd be round. Gosh...I never knew I'd miss everything that used to be this much. Hell it sucks...

Today was much better. I do not know why but I'm glad I feel much much much better woo hoo!!! I think it's bout time I should start focusing on my freaking studies!!! I have been slacking so very much. ARGH!!!


Tenet Insurance said...

Oh yea the grass is always greener on the other side :) banshee made my day today by blogging me :P

Education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living.

The more of it u have the better your quality of living gets....

So buckle up against the debacles and study hard and smart and do me proud for your O's!

Shameer G.D.

Tenet Insurance said...

hey banshee , O's are getting closer, and just want u to know actually at this point of time ur friends really play a huge role in either making u or breaking u :p.
Stick with the studious ones and avoid wasting time with the non - studious extroverts.

Say NO to them and YES to studying.

All the best Dr. Bashirah and see you at the TOP!