Friday, October 17, 2008

Always Be My Baby.

Anguish has its way of fading away whenever you are near me. The scars on my hand manage to disappear in a blink of an eye whenever you hold my cold shaking hands. I can see my veins once again. Oxygenated blood flows through my veins and I know that this time, I am alive. Sorrow has its way of vanishing into thin air whenever you kiss me. My withered heart becomes well-nourished and it starts to beat again. I guess this explains why I always want you to hold me tight...

I have went the extra mile to cheer you up. I have sacrificed my life just to make you mine. I have lost things and even people that I once had just to have you with me. I have done millions of favors for you, even though at times they are out of my power. I have changed so much for you. I have nurtured you. I have taken great care of you and will always do so till the end of time. I have put in so much hope in us to last for an eternity. I have changed so much for you and I have changed you too...

There is no more turning back. It is now or never. Come what may. We have gone too far to even stop and stare at each other in vain with thousands of contradicting questions in our heads. I love you, baby. I love you with all my heart. I will hold your hand and embrace our future with dignity...

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